
                           FILOŊ SI BƐSAA TƐ BO

Bɛsaa bani tɛ bo lɛ Tɛ, le be bɛ be geri lɛ La. Tee wu be tɛ gii nuuŋ bukooŋ le NƐ, ɛ bukooŋ bu kwɛsi kwaa bu bɛ kaaŋ kibɛɛ  mɛɛŋ baa ki kɛɛ kɛ. Tɛ biɛ bɔɔŋ bani bɛ tɛɛtu Kami, Kinchiiŋ bɛ Mbeemɛ. Be tɛ bɛ be geri kintsi kimu ki bɛ teenyi le lɛ LA  le Lɛmbeemɛ. Ɔɔ bo fe, ɔ ŋɛŋɛ So taa. Chi bɛ Kaminɛ chɛɛ chi dɛɛŋ, chi bɛ Kinchinɛ biki, chi bɛ Mbeenɛ biki. Le bɔɔŋ bee bani ta, Kinchiŋ bee Mbeemɛ be dza be yɛɛ be tsi lɛ ŋga. Le be tsi fe, be tuu be dza. Kinchiiŋ gɛɛŋ tsiiŋ li dziiŋ, kintsi ki bɛ teenyi  lɛ jɛ yi bala le Bakinchinɛ dɛɛni. Mbeemɛ gɛɛŋ geri lɛ Mbeenɛwe. Ŋkuŋ nɛɛ  Ŋkaaŋ tɛ gɛɛ wu, tee le, ɛ Bubanjɛ bɛɛ  be  dziŋ, toŋ kitata, kɛ Bɛŋkaaŋ bee Bɛkinchinɛ gii be woo, be bɛ be fi be li dziŋ yilu. Tɛ biɛ bɔɔŋ bani mɔɔ wu kwɛɛŋ bukooŋ le Boki. Boki wuni tɛ gɛɛŋ ba lɛ Bokinɛwe kintsi ki bɛ teenyi dɛɛni lɛ jɛ yi bala le Fiŋgɔ. Le Bɛmbeenɛ bee Bɛkichinnɛ bɛchi le be ni yɛndi, Bɛmbeenɛ bamu mɔɔ bɛ Kinchiinɛ bɛmu dza be gɛɛŋ li Nsobi be feti yɛ lu kifɛ kintsi ki yɛɛ tɛ gii ki nuuŋ yɛ li bee kɛ. Fɛ be feti yɛ yɛɛ lɛ, be shiiti nsheewu wumu bɛ teenyi le Nso. Nso wuni nuuŋ lɛ jɛ yi Jini le kintsi ki bɛ chuti biee. Fɛɛ fɛ bukooŋ bu Bansobi buni tɛ bo. Bɛɛnsɔɔ bɛ nuuŋ li Nsobi dɛɛni nuuŋ bɛ Kaminɛ bɛ tɛ dza fibee, dɛɛŋ la fi tɛ tɔŋ be yi lee, le be giiŋgi baa fibee lɛ Nsɔ. Le be bo li Nsobi, bɛ Nsobi bɛ ŋwaantee bɛ bee bamu se kɛmɛ li be. Be tee li bee le wohoo, geri yɛɛŋ fɛni. Kiiŋ nɛ ni to fɛmu kɛ.

       Dɛɛni yani, Bɛsa nuuŋ bɛniiŋ bɛ tɛ gbɛɛŋ be bo lɛ Gaa dududu be nuuŋ kikoo ki bee. Be tɛ nuuŋ yɛ bɔɔŋ bɛ Nɛ kɛ. Bɛsa bani, ɛ be bɛ bɛ teenyi le Bɛtenchaa. Bɛ Kaminɛ  nuuŋ lɛ La, li Dziiŋ bɛ lɛ Mbeenɛwe. Be kɛmi  bɛ Te n'yɛɛ. Ɛ be bɛ bɛ teenyi le Bikaminɛ. Bɛ Nsobi, kɛmi bɛ Te n'yɛɛ, Ɛ be bɛ   bɛ teenyi  le Bubɛ. Si be nuuŋ ni, Te n'yɛɛ ti guti yɛ Ni nchaa kɛ, Te nchaa ti gutiyɛ Ni n'yɛɛ kɛ Te nchaa bɛɛ go nuuŋ Mbaaŋ, Te n'yɛɛ go tɛ Mbaaŋ. Ɛ Tendɔfi dza fe go nuuŋ Nincha, kɛ go Ni n'yɛɛ.  Bɛsaa bani nuuŋ ni, Bɛtɔɔŋ nuuŋ tɛ lu. Ɛ be bɛ bɛ teenyi le bɛ Ni ncha. Bɛtɔɔŋ bani nuuŋ nuuŋ lɛ la


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The History of the origin of the Sari (Besaah) people.

The Sari (Besaah) people originated fro Nigeria. They and settled in Kamine. Their father's name was Neh. Is only the name of his wife that the elders have never known. He gave birth to three sons. Kami, Kinching and Mbeeme. They came and settled at a place in Kamine called Lembeeme. If you reach there,you will see three cooking stones. That of Kamine is tall, that of Bakincjine is following and that of Akweto then follows. When these his children grew up, Kinching (Bakinchine) and Mbeeme (Akweto) went and settled at Lengah. After staying there, they left again and kinching went and settled in Lidziing, present day the place people call in English Bakinchine. Mbeeme went and settled at Lembeene-We, the present day place where people call in English Akweto. The fon of Benkaang (Kamine) kept him and said that, if the Bubanje (Mbembe) peop come with war, he should alarm. Like that, Benkaang (Kamine) and Bekinchine (Bakinchine) people will hear and they will come and ally with them in the war. He gave birth to these children plus a girl called Boki. this Boki went for marriage at Lebokine-we, the place called today in English Fingong. When the Aketo and Bakinchine people started growing in numbers, some Akweto and Bakincjine people went to Linsobi (Bansobi) for farming. This is because there was no farming land in their settlements. As they were farming like that, they had a certain gathering called Nso. This Nso in Limbum means, a place where people contribute. This is where this name Bansobi from. this Benso people who are in Bansobi today, are Kamine people who left for whatsoever anger, that they were going them to Lenso (Banso). When they reached Bansobi, the Bansobi people their brothers held them. They told them that no!!!! settle here, you should not go anywhere. Now, Besaa (Mbissa people) are people who really originated completely from Legaa (Dumbu) and they were on their own. They were not Neh's children. These Besaa (Mbissa people) are the ones referred to as Betenchaa. Kamine people are found in Kamine, Bakinchine and Akweto. They have Beten'yee, they are the ones referred to as Bikamine. They Bansobi people have Beten'yee,  they are the ones referred to as Bube. As they are like this, Ten'yee cannot marry Ninchaa, Tenchaa does not marry Nin'yee. Tenchaa always marry but Mbaang, Ten'yee also marries but Mbaang. When Tendofi wants to marry, he marries but Ninchaa or he marries Niny'ee. These Sari (Besaah) people like this, there are also Betoong people amongst them. They are the ones referred to as Beninchaa. Betoong people are but in Kamine. 



Brief History.

The Besaa people oringinated  from Nigeria with Ne as their Father. Nɛ gave birth to three sons and one daughter. These children bears their father name

Kami being the first who become Kamine

Kinchi the second son become Bakinchine

Mbeemi the third son become Mbeene (Akweto)

Boki the only daughter who got marry at Bokinewe (Fingon)

 The Bansobi people have most of their lands in hills descending in valleys.

The Besaa people have a certain group call Bemboo who preside over the Sari land. They have Musenge as their dance, and when dancing no farmwork is being caarried out in the whole land. Another dance is call Kijibe, is not everyone that is involved in these dance

The Mbissa people have two families: The Benjeere and the Bebee

The Bessa people have their annual cultural gathering called BECUDA.  

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